Philippine Minnesotan Medical Association


Upcoming Events

May 17, 2025PCM Building Spring CME

Newsletter  (past issues)

Past Event Calendar

October 12, 2024North Memorial Specialty Center 46th Annual Clinical Conference (Joint Conference with PNA)
January 20, 2024Omni Viking Lakes Hotel Philippine Nurses Association Minnesota - PMMA Holiday Party
Menu and RSVP
August 25-26, 2023PCM Building 45th Annual Clinical Conference
January 7, 2023PCM Building Post-Holiday Party!
August 26-27, 2022Rochester, MN 44th Annual Clinical Conference
January 8, 2022  Virtual!   Christmas Party!
August 21, 2021PCM Building 43rd Annual Clinical Conference
May 15, 2021  Virtual!   Spring Social -- highlighting new attenddes
January 2, 2021  Virtual!   Christmas Party!
August 15, 2020  Virtual!   42nd Annual Clinical Conference
December 14, 2019Radisson Blu Mall of America Induction Ball & Holiday Party
August 15-18, 2019Hilton Hotel MSP, 3800 American Blvd E, Bloomington, MN 41st Annual Clinical Conference
Saturday, October 27, 2018
Noon to 3 pm
GameWorks at Mall of America
RSVP: Dr. Dan Trajano
Free Bowling and Lunch Party
For PMMA members, their families, and all prospective members
Compliments of PMMA and Mark Grunewald
August 16-19, 2018Treasure Island Resort 40th Annual Clinical Conference
January 20, 2018Hilton MSP Airport/Mall of America, Bloomington Officer Induction Ball
November 18, 2017Bryant Lake Bowl, Minneapolis Dr. Loy Trajano Memorial Bowling
August 17-20, 2017Breezy Point 39th Annual Clinical Conference
March 25, 2017PCM Building, 7 am - 2:30 pm
Spring CME Activity followed by PMMA General Member Meeting.
*** RSVP by March 22, 2017 to or board members on invitation. Space is limited to 70 participants, first-come, first-served, so RSVP!!! There is no registration fee. ***
January 21, 2017PCM Building 6:30pm Christmas Party
September 24, 2016Rochester Fall Picnic and Post-Clinical Conference Meeting
August 11-14, 2016Kalahari Conference Center, Wisconsin Dells 38th Annual Clinical Conference.
April 23, 2016
Post-Mission Get-Together
January-February 2016Mariveles, Bataan, Philippines Medical Mission
December 5, 2015Sheraton Bloomington, MN New Officer Induction Dinner: On-line payment
August 6-9, 2015Kalahari Resorts, Wisconsin Dells 37th Annual Clinical Conference

Pictures from 2014 Conference: Pic1, Pic2, Pic3

April 11, 2015Mall of America, Bloomington, MN 1st Spring Clinical Conference

Page1, Page2

August 7-10, 2014Kalahari Resorts, Wisconsin Dells 36th Annual Clinical Conference
Jan 30-Feb 9, 2014Catarman, Northern Samar, Philippines Medical, Surgical & Dental Mission
Jan 18, 2014Oakdale, MN Dinner and Dance Fundraising Event
November 9, 2013Minnesota Valley Country Club, Bloomington 2014 Mission Benefit Dinner
October 26, 2013Oak Marsh Golf Club Induction Ceremony
August 15-18, 2013Breezy Point Resort, Breezy Point, MN 35th Annual Clinical Conference
August 16-19, 2012Breezy Point Resort, Breezy Point, MN 34th Annual Clinical Conference
November 11, 2011Regions Hospital, St. Paul CME: Improving Glycemic Control when Patients Need it Most
October 9, 2011Minnesota Valley Country Club 2012 Medical Mission Benefit Dinner
September 17, 2011St. Anthony Main Theater (115 St SE, Minneapolis 55414) Filipino community showing for "Amigo"
August 18-21, 2011Kalahari Conference Center, Wisconsin Dells 33rd Annual Clinical Conference
June 18, 2011Rochester, MNPicnic (scroll to second page)
May 13-14, 2011Woodbury, MNGarage Sale
May 7, 2011Cottage Grove, MNGet-together and Pacquiao match
April 16, 2011Sheraton St Paul Woodbury Hotel. Registration required.H. pylori: importance of appropriate testing and management
August 11-15, 2010Sugar Lake Lodge, Grand Rapids32nd Annual Clinical Conference
On-line registration